Early Stage 1 & Stage 1 (Kindergarten to year 2)
Our goal is for all students to develop a love of literature at an early age.
Our English program is made up of the following areas:
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Representing
- Grammar, Punctuation and Vocabulary
- Thinking Imaginatively and Creatively
- Expressing Themselves
- Reflecting on Learning
Each day our students participate in a variety of literacy tasks. The main focus of these tasks is to develop our students' reading, writing and communication skills.
Speaking and Listening - Students are encouraged to be active learners. They participate in daily discussions with peers and teachers. Each week students are encouraged to present a Speaking and Listening task to their peers. This can be in the form of reading a poem, recounting the events of a book or telling their peers about a family outing or holiday.
Reading and Viewing - Each day the students are given the opportunity to read and be read to. Students participate in guided reading lessons where the mechanics of reading are explicitly taught. Most mornings we have parent helpers that come into our rooms to listen to the students read individually. Students read at their own level and it is recognised that reading development is as individualised as the students themselves.
Writing and Representing - Writing is taught through modelling the writing process and then providing students with an environment where effort is as highly valued as accuracy. Students are given regular opportunities to share their ideas through words and pictures.
Students are encouraged to think creatively and express their ideas through a variety of means. We believe all students play an active role in the learning process.
Our Mathematics program is made up of the following strands:
- Working Mathematically
- Number and Algebra
- Measurement and Geometry
- Statistics and Probability
Students are encouraged to ask questions, use known facts and concrete materials to explore mathematical problems in class. They communicate their ideas with both their peers and teachers.
A sequential Mathematics program is taught throughout the Primary School and a ‘hands on’ approach to learning Mathematics forms an intricate part of the program.
Students investigate significant people, events, places and sites in the local community over time. Each class participates in a historical inquiry where students explore and relate stories about their families' and communities' past.
Students identify the natural features of different places, including the weather and seasons. They investigate how places are managed and cared for and discuss the connections people have to different places.
Students play an active role in scientific investigations that take place both inside and outside of the classroom. They explore the features of living things and investigate how they grow and change. Students actively identify ways that everyday materials can be physically changed and the effect of push and pull on objects.
Creative Arts
Art, Dance, Drama and Music are all included in the Creative Arts program.
- Students are encouraged to express their ideas creatively using a variety of media. Artworks that are created often reflect what students have been leaning in class.
- Music is taught by a specialist teacher each week. Students participate in practical activities using a variety of instruments as well as developing a foundation in music theory.
- Drama is integrated with many of the other Key Learning Areas, particularly English. The students enjoy acting out stories and role playing everyday activities.
- Dance is a part of the Physical Education program, which is taught by the specialist teacher.
Personal Development and Health
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education is based on a broad notion of health that encompasses all aspects of an individual’s wellbeing, inclusive of social, mental, physical and spiritual health. It encourages students to develop knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes that will enable them to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
Physical Education is taught by a specialist teacher each week.
Religious and Values Education (R.A.V.E)
Religious and Values Education forms the corner stone of life at Emmanuel Anglican College. Students from Kindergarten to Year 10 are involved in a classroom based program each week. The students also meet each fortnight for chapel services and the College meets as a whole twice a term to share in worship at St Mary’s Anglican Church.
The R.A.V.E program aims to:
- Introduce students to key Bible stories and characters.
- Explore the Christian way of life, focusing on values such as compassion, respect, honesty, kindness and generosity.
- Outline Christian beliefs about the nature of God, the significance of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and the concept of faith.
Students engage in the cultural and linguistic diversity of our world through participation in a Japanese language acquisition lesson each week. During this lesson the students learn about Japan’s culture, the country and language.